We had indeed collaborated in 2015 when I was a consultant in Switzerland. Our shared love for nature and the appreciation of earth’s values became very apparent during our first meeting. What appeals to me with this TAKINOA platform is the societal approach. Each of us is concerned, and our eating habits are formed in our earliest childhood. It is time to dare to say that our daily choices have a direct impact on our energy and physical and mental health. Contrary to appearances, the decision to eat well should not be based on the number on a scale.
When you told me about this project last autumn, I quickly began to perceive images halfway between metaphorical and sculptural research. A well-known quote refers to one picture being worth a thousand words. My intention and desire were to create a link between the public and this project. I have worked in communication for many years, and I developed a strong link with photography. I was carried away by an original and daring style while trying to respect the simplicity and authenticity of TAKINOA.
I generally favour natural light and saturated colours. The shoot took place in spring; the days were very sunny – an ideal context. Then it was intuition that came into play. For the TAKINOA platform, I chose the appropriate combination of vegetables and fruit with plants and minerals, sometimes with everyday objects. Play is an integral part of the creation phase.
It has been rich in experiences and encounters in different countries and fields of activity. I have lived abroad for more than ten years, eight of which were spent in Zurich. My multiple interests and potentials, paired with a hyperactive side, have been with me since I was a teenager, and for a long time, I followed several interests. Making a choice was inconceivable at the time. Then one day, under pressure, I received a rather severe medical diagnosis. This was the wake-up call to become aware of the fragility of life and the impact of toxic emotions on health. Personal development, then yoga and nutrition crossed my path. To this day, they continue to accompany me in my daily well-being and require real discipline.
The existing system is just beginning to be questioned, and we are becoming increasingly aware of the influence of marketing in supermarkets and the media. We are affected by words, shapes, colours, visual or auditory sensations. Initially, our food choices are based on our emotional state. When we need comfort, for example, we instinctively go for sugar. Listening to and understanding the emotion behind it, and then taking the need into account seems essential to me. Change does not happen overnight; it is a process, and change starts with self-knowledge. For my part, my choices bring me more serenity than frustration because I think about my health in the long term. In our profession of accompaniment, we see that each of us can learn, unlearn, and change paradigms when the need arises and when we really want to. The main thing is not to wait too long; life rewards action.